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We want to make sure our olive oil reflects this natural way of living.

We celebrate nature and that is why we take pride in producing an organic oil

Free from any chemicals, free from fertilizers and from unnatural parasite controls.

We have the privilege to cultivate olives in an area where weather conditions allow us to grow them naturally without having to resort to any type of chemicals.

We are passionate about life, and we respect all forms of life, from our seeds to our majestic trees.
We want to make sure our olive oil reflects this natural way of living.

All of our products are made 100% from olives cultivated in our lands only.

Each olive comes from our trees, which have been planted, grown and fostered, in our very own groves by devoted farmers in love with their surroundings.

We take pride in knowing that every olive used to creating our olive oil can be traced and has been picked by the hands of our trusted people.

All of our products are made 100% in Puglia, a region in Italy.

Our lands and trees are geographically located in the countryside of Bari, in Palo del Colle, Bisceglie, and Noicattaro, the heart of the most renowned olive groves from Puglia.

Our olive groves are located in very different and diverse areas. Some of the groves are closer to the sea, and others have higher altitude, allowing the trees to be exposed to different temperatures and weather conditions.

This diversity allows us to create interesting blends and truly unique tasting oils.

Taste Of Puglia

We honour the artisanal harvesting ways and craftsmanship. We take pride in knowing and understanding traceability because each and every one of our olives is cultivated in our lands, picked and collected by our people.

For good quality, a short time from harvesting to mill is critical!

Our olive oil is made from ripe olives. The olives, harvested during the first weeks of October, are pressed in two hours.

A coldpressed extra virgin olive oil is produced, an intense flavor that is unforgettable on the palate. Firstly, the olives enter into a deleafer and washer to remove leaves and twigs and wash the olives. Secondly, the olives are ground to a paste (pits and all!).

Stone mills are traditional, but we use a modern mill with a hammer, blades or disk mill (not women stepping barefoot on the olives!). The paste then moves to the malaxer, where it is slowly stirred to begin separating oil from water and solids.

Biochemical activity at this stage creates aromas and flavors.

The process continues with the separator where a second centrifuge removes the remaining water and particles from the oil.

Once this stage is completed, the result is Olio Nuovo (new oil).

The resulting oil then goes to a filter to ensure the oil goes into storage without water or particles that can compromise its quality over time.

The olive oil is then stored in stainless steel tanks under inert gas to exclude oxygen and under cellar temperature. Our olives are properly (and naturally) milled in traditional ways yielding great, healthy, and delicious olive oil!




Our Founder’s Picks

Fruttato Intenso

Coratina is the quintessential cultivar from Puglia.


This packaging was made in order to best preserve the organoleptic properties of our oil.

Ogliarola Barese

This oil has a pale yellow hue and it is light and refined on the palate.